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    críticas de medios

    The Playlist

    por Gregory Ellwood

    "Hay algo en esta historia de chicas que hará que tarde más en marcharse de tu cabeza de lo que te esperabas"

    La crítica completa está disponible en The Playlist


    por Guy Lodge

    "El guión de Cabral y Estrada desempaca a estos políticos engañosos con un toque de luz sobre los mismos, sin forzar nunca a estos defectuosos, aunque bien dibujados, personajes a ser demasiado retóricos" July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.July 11, 2018Cabral and Estrada's screenplay unpacks these tricky personal politics with an assuredly light touch, never forcing their flawed, finely drawn characters into overt rhetoric.

    La crítica completa está disponible en Variety


    por Javier Cortijo

    "Con un desparpajo y una naturalidad desarmantes (y, a veces, agotadores) los directores dan en varias  dianas, aupados por una capacidad de observación y escucha envidiables y, sobre todo, por el gran trabajo de Dulce Rodríguez."

    La crítica completa está disponible en Cinemania
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