Temporada 2
Mi nota :
0.5 Pésima
1 Muy mala
1.5 Mala
2 Pasable
2.5 Regular
3 Entretenida
3.5 Buena
4 Muy buena
4.5 Imprescindible
5 Obra maestra
The Stinky & Dirty Show


Info de la temporada

29 episodios
Emitida desde: 23 de noviembre de 2017
29 fotos
foto de Issac Ryan Brown
Personaje : Stinky
foto de Jet Jurgensmeyer
Personaje : Dirty
foto de Tom Kenny
Personaje : Mixie
foto de Wallace Shawn
Personaje : Tall
Los episodios de la temporada 2
Cartel de Snow Problem/Sleigh Riders
S02E01 - Snow Problem/Sleigh Riders
Cartel de Sweepy Clean/The Broken Road
S02E02 - Sweepy Clean/The Broken Road
Cartel de Tree Amigos/Tower Topper
S02E03 - Tree Amigos/Tower Topper
Cartel de Silent But Stinky/Make Way for Sweepy
S02E04 - Silent But Stinky/Make Way for Sweepy
Cartel de Red Light, Red Light/Missing Pieces
S02E05 - Red Light, Red Light/Missing Pieces
Cartel de Ha Ha Higher/The Waiting Games
S02E06 - Ha Ha Higher/The Waiting Games
Cartel de Garbage Barge Goodbye!/Up! Up! And Parade!
S02E07 - Garbage Barge Goodbye!/Up! Up! And Parade!
Cartel de Screen Clean/Drive-In Movers
S02E08 - Screen Clean/Drive-In Movers
Cartel de Going Nowhere Fast/The Missing Stink
S02E09 - Going Nowhere Fast/The Missing Stink
Cartel de Love Notes/Love is in the Air
S02E10 - Love Notes/Love is in the Air
Cartel de Miles and Miles of Go City Smiles/The Fast Track
S02E11 - Miles and Miles of Go City Smiles/The Fast Track
Cartel de Lunch Spot/No Rest For Red
S02E12 - Lunch Spot/No Rest For Red
Cartel de Runaway Rover/The Great Spacey Chase
S02E13 - Runaway Rover/The Great Spacey Chase
Cartel de The Big Splat/Finding Ding Ding
S02E14 - The Big Splat/Finding Ding Ding
Cartel de Traffic Jam-Boree/Late Night with Monster Truck
S02E15 - Traffic Jam-Boree/Late Night with Monster Truck
Cartel de Missed On My List/Clean Up Catastrophe
S02E16 - Missed On My List/Clean Up Catastrophe
Cartel de The Last Melon/Little Big Dirty
S02E17 - The Last Melon/Little Big Dirty
Cartel de A Sweepy Surprise/Radio Free Stinky
S02E18 - A Sweepy Surprise/Radio Free Stinky
Cartel de Scaredy Brave/Movie Makeover
S02E19 - Scaredy Brave/Movie Makeover
Cartel de The Never Ending Race/Unburied Treasure
S02E20 - The Never Ending Race/Unburied Treasure
Cartel de The Stinky and Shmirty Show/Moon Chasers
S02E21 - The Stinky and Shmirty Show/Moon Chasers
Cartel de Honk, You're It/Smashalot
S02E22 - Honk, You're It/Smashalot
Cartel de Seeing Eye Stinky/Rover All Over
S02E23 - Seeing Eye Stinky/Rover All Over
Cartel de Smash Crash Trash/A Case of the Sputters
S02E24 - Smash Crash Trash/A Case of the Sputters
Cartel de Forklifted/New Car Class
S02E25 - Forklifted/New Car Class
Cartel de Soap Opera/Rock and Rollin
S02E26 - Soap Opera/Rock and Rollin
Cartel de Sno Cone Sliders/Trading Wheels
S02E27 - Sno Cone Sliders/Trading Wheels
Cartel de Down Under/Monster Break Through
S02E28 - Down Under/Monster Break Through
Cartel de Fire Away/Save Brave!
S02E29 - Fire Away/Save Brave!