Temporada 16
Mi nota :
0.5 Pésima
1 Muy mala
1.5 Mala
2 Pasable
2.5 Regular
3 Entretenida
3.5 Buena
4 Muy buena
4.5 Imprescindible
5 Obra maestra
Padre de familia


3,1 1 nota

Info de la temporada

20 episodios
Cadena original FOX
Emitida desde: 1 de octubre de 2017
49 fotos
foto de Seth MacFarlane
Personaje : Brian Griffin
foto de Alex Borstein
Personaje : Lois Griffin
foto de Seth Green
Personaje : Chris Griffin
foto de Mila Kunis
Personaje : Meg Griffin
Los episodios de la temporada 16
Cartel de Emmy-Winning
S16E01 - Emmy-Winning
Cartel de Foxx in the Men House
S16E02 - Foxx in the Men House
Cartel de Nanny Goats
S16E03 - Nanny Goats
Cartel de Follow The Money
S16E04 - Follow The Money
Cartel de Three Directors
S16E05 - Three Directors
Cartel de The D in Apartment 23
S16E06 - The D in Apartment 23
Cartel de Petey IV
S16E07 - Petey IV
Cartel de Crimes and Meg's Demeanor
S16E08 - Crimes and Meg's Demeanor
Cartel de Don't Be A Dickens At Christmas
S16E09 - Don't Be A Dickens At Christmas
Cartel de Boy (Dog) Meets Girl (Dog)
S16E10 - Boy (Dog) Meets Girl (Dog)
Cartel de Dog Bites Bear
S16E11 - Dog Bites Bear
Cartel de Send in Stewie, Please
S16E12 - Send in Stewie, Please
Cartel de V Is For Mystery
S16E13 - V Is For Mystery
Cartel de Veteran Guy
S16E14 - Veteran Guy
Cartel de The Woof of Wall Street
S16E15 - The Woof of Wall Street
Cartel de 'Family Guy' Through The Years
S16E16 - 'Family Guy' Through The Years
Cartel de Switch The Flip
S16E17 - Switch The Flip
Cartel de HTTPete
S16E18 - HTTPete
Cartel de The Unkindest Cut
S16E19 - The Unkindest Cut
Cartel de Are You There God ? It's Me, Peter
S16E20 - Are You There God ? It's Me, Peter