Temporada 7
Mi nota :
0.5 Pésima
1 Muy mala
1.5 Mala
2 Pasable
2.5 Regular
3 Entretenida
3.5 Buena
4 Muy buena
4.5 Imprescindible
5 Obra maestra
El Rey de la colina


Info de la temporada

23 episodios
Cadena original Hulu
Emitida desde: 2002
Los episodios de la temporada 7
Cartel de Get Your Freak Off
S07E01 - Get Your Freak Off
Cartel de The Fat and the Furious
S07E02 - The Fat and the Furious
Cartel de Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do
S07E03 - Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do
Cartel de Goodbye Normal Jeans
S07E04 - Goodbye Normal Jeans
Cartel de Dances With Dogs
S07E05 - Dances With Dogs
Cartel de The Son Also Roses
S07E06 - The Son Also Roses
Cartel de The Texas Skillsaw Massacre
S07E07 - The Texas Skillsaw Massacre
Cartel de Full Metal Dust Jacket
S07E08 - Full Metal Dust Jacket
Cartel de Pigmalion
S07E09 - Pigmalion
Cartel de Megalo Dale
S07E10 - Megalo Dale
Cartel de Boxing Luanne
S07E11 - Boxing Luanne
Cartel de Vision Quest
S07E12 - Vision Quest
Cartel de Queasy Rider
S07E13 - Queasy Rider
Cartel de Board Games
S07E14 - Board Games
Cartel de An Officer and a Gentle Boy
S07E15 - An Officer and a Gentle Boy
Cartel de The Miseducation of Bobby Hill
S07E16 - The Miseducation of Bobby Hill
Cartel de The Good Buck
S07E17 - The Good Buck
Cartel de I Never Promised You an Organic Garden
S07E18 - I Never Promised You an Organic Garden
Cartel de Be True to Your Fool
S07E19 - Be True to Your Fool
Cartel de Racist Dawg
S07E20 - Racist Dawg
Cartel de Night and Deity
S07E21 - Night and Deity
Cartel de Maid in Arlen
S07E22 - Maid in Arlen
Cartel de The Witches of East Arlen
S07E23 - The Witches of East Arlen