Temporada 2
Mi nota :
0.5 Pésima
1 Muy mala
1.5 Mala
2 Pasable
2.5 Regular
3 Entretenida
3.5 Buena
4 Muy buena
4.5 Imprescindible
5 Obra maestra
21 Jump Street


3,0 3 notas

Info de la temporada

22 episodios
Cadena original FOX
Emitida desde: 1987
foto de Johnny Depp
Personaje : Officier Tom Hanson
foto de Peter DeLuise
Personaje : Officier Doug Penhall
foto de Dustin Nguyen
Personaje : Officier Harry Truman Ioki
foto de Steven Williams
Personaje : Cpt. Adam Fuller
Los episodios de la temporada 2
Cartel de In the Custody of a Clown
S02E01 - In the Custody of a Clown
Cartel de Besieged - Part 1
S02E02 - Besieged - Part 1
Cartel de Besieged - Part 2
S02E03 - Besieged - Part 2
Cartel de Two For the Road
S02E04 - Two For the Road
Cartel de After School Special
S02E05 - After School Special
Cartel de Higher Education
S02E06 - Higher Education
Cartel de Don't Stretch the Rainbow
S02E07 - Don't Stretch the Rainbow
Cartel de Honor Bound
S02E08 - Honor Bound
Cartel de You Ought to Be in Prison
S02E09 - You Ought to Be in Prison
Cartel de How Much is That Body in the Window?
S02E10 - How Much is That Body in the Window?
Cartel de Christmas in Saigon
S02E11 - Christmas in Saigon
Cartel de Fear and Loathing With Russell Buckins
S02E12 - Fear and Loathing With Russell Buckins
Cartel de A Big Disease With a Little Name
S02E13 - A Big Disease With a Little Name
Cartel de Chapel of Love
S02E14 - Chapel of Love
Cartel de I'm OK. You Need Work
S02E15 - I'm OK. You Need Work
Cartel de Orpheus 3.3
S02E16 - Orpheus 3.3
Cartel de Champagne High
S02E17 - Champagne High
Cartel de Brother Hanson & the Miracle of Renner's Pond
S02E18 - Brother Hanson & the Miracle of Renner's Pond
Cartel de Raising Marijuana
S02E19 - Raising Marijuana
Cartel de Best Years of Your Life
S02E20 - Best Years of Your Life
Cartel de Cory and Dean Got Married
S02E21 - Cory and Dean Got Married
Cartel de School's Out
S02E22 - School's Out