Temporada 3
Mi nota :
0.5 Pésima
1 Muy mala
1.5 Mala
2 Pasable
2.5 Regular
3 Entretenida
3.5 Buena
4 Muy buena
4.5 Imprescindible
5 Obra maestra
Being Erica


Info de la temporada

13 episodios
Cadena original CBC
Emitida desde: 2010
foto de Erin Karpluk
Personaje : Erica Strange
foto de Michael Riley
Personaje : Dr Tom
foto de Tyron Leitso
Personaje : Ethan Wakefield
foto de John Boylan
Personaje : Gary Strange
Los episodios de la temporada 3
Cartel de The Rabbit Hole
S03E01 - The Rabbit Hole
Cartel de Movin on Up
S03E02 - Movin on Up
Cartel de Two Wrongs
S03E03 - Two Wrongs
Cartel de Wash, Rinse, Repeat
S03E04 - Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Cartel de Being Adam
S03E05 - Being Adam
Cartel de Bear Breasts
S03E06 - Bear Breasts
Cartel de Jenny From the Block
S03E07 - Jenny From the Block
Cartel de Physician, Heal Thyself
S03E08 - Physician, Heal Thyself
Cartel de Gettin' Wiggy Wit' It
S03E09 - Gettin' Wiggy Wit' It
Cartel de The Tribe Has Spoken
S03E10 - The Tribe Has Spoken
Cartel de Adam's Family
S03E11 - Adam's Family
Cartel de Erica, Interrupted
S03E12 - Erica, Interrupted
Cartel de Fa La Erica
S03E13 - Fa La Erica